socialism in yemen câu
Are you so sure that there is nothing good in socialism?Anh có chắc rằng chủ nghĩa xã hội không có gì tốt không? Socialism does not me...

Ông Tamer Kirolos, giám đốc của Save the Children tại Yemen Jamal Kaid Ali Noman đến từ Yemen đang là nghiên cứu sinh. Save the Children...

agrarian socialism
The KR planned to implement a form of agrarian socialism which was devised based on the ideals of Stalinism and Maoism.Khmer Đỏ đã dự k...

arab socialism
As I have detailed elsewhere, [1] Gaddafi, an old adherent of Arab socialism on the line of Egypt’s Gamal Nasser, used the oil revenues...

early socialism
But early socialism was utopian socialism.Chủ nghĩa xã hội không tưởng Utopian socialism

The longstanding aim of the PYD has been to link a number of "cantons" controlled by the group across northern Syria and the group has ...

fabian socialism
The Story of Fabian SocialismChủ nghĩa xã hội Fabian Fabian socialism The Story of Fabian SocialismChủ nghĩa xã hội Fabian Fabian socia...

history of socialism
Someday, the world will come to learn the lessons that the history of socialism has taught.Một ngày nào đó, thế giới cuối cùng sẽ học đ...

islamic socialism
He called this system "Islamic socialism", and, while he permitted private control over small companies, the government controlled the ...

libertarian socialism
1 Types of Libertarian SocialismBản mẫu:Libertarian socialism Ideologically, he aligns himself with anarcho-syndicalism and libertaria...

market socialism
Market Socialism is only an idea.Đảng Dân chủ xã hội vẫn chỉ là một ý tưởng. Market Socialism is a thing.Tâm lý thị trường là một điều...

marxian socialism
According to Bakunin, Marxian socialism would consist in the rule of the renegades of the ruling class, and it would be based on exploi...

national socialism
That is what national socialism has done for Germany.Đó là điều mà chủ nghĩa xã hội đã làm đối với Đức. the rise of National Socialism...

religious socialism
Religious socialism, Christian socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true socialist....

scientific socialism
After all, what is scientific socialism without the science?Sao đã có Khoa học tự nhiên mà không có Khoa học xã hội? Scientific Social...

socialism in germany
the rise of National Socialism in Germany;Sự nổi lên của chủ nghĩa xã hội quốc gia ở Đức The Rise of National Socialism in Germany.Sự ...

socialism in russia
Without this, he argued, it would be difficult to build any meaningful form of socialism in Russia.Nếu không có điều này, ông lập luận,...

socialism in venezuela
All of us in this arena, and thousands and thousands and thousands of people outside -- you have to see it -- are united because we kno...

socialism will prevail
Socialism will win, humanity will win.socialism will prevail chủ nghĩa xã hội sẽ thắng thế

state socialism
No one fights for state socialism any more.Không ai còn tranh đấu cho chủ nghĩa xã hội quốc gia nữa. Not State socialism - absolutely ...

the advocates of socialism
The radicals are the advocates of socialism who pretend to be capitalists.the advocates of socialism những người tán thành chủ nghĩa xã...

types of socialism
Most of them were mere compromises or half- way houses between the more extreme types of socialism and the existing order.Đa số chúng c...

under socialism
This could only happen under socialism.Điều này chỉ có thể có được ở chủ nghĩa xã hội. This can only be achieved under socialism.Điều ...

utopian socialism
In economics they propagated utopian socialism.Chủ nghĩa xã hội không tưởng Utopian socialism In economics they propagated utopian soci...